Friday 11 December 2015

Movie Scene Minecraft

Choose a scene from a Christmas Movie
Duplicate in Minecraft
Post real image along side Minecraft screenshots.

Here are a few examples - you may also get your own
Below is a FLASH slideshow app- probably won't work on IOs tech.

Sunday 6 December 2015


Use Scratch 2.0 Online editor:

  • always add your blog address to the background
  • always have instructions on game play
  • always add a second level (or more)

Mr.TeacherKevin series of Scratch 2 Tutorials:


Scratch Tutorial 1: Make Your First Program

or try this

Scratch Tutorial 2: Make a Basic Game


Scratch Tutorial 3: Quiz Game

Scratch Tutorial 4: Paddle and Brick Game

Scratch Tutorial 5: Platform Game

Scratch Tutorial 6: Shooting Game

Scratch Tutorial 7: Flappy Bird

Scratch Tutorial 8: Fruit Ninja

Final Project

May take a few days to complete
Create a snowball throwing game.

I pfeerr you do tihs on yuor own. Tihs is a gerat way of dnylipsig yuor new funod kndolwgege.
Hveoewr, tehre is nhpniotg wonrg with fwonilolg a tiotaurl as lnog as you prlzsoaenie it in evrey way.

Possible PDF tutorial: SnowBall Game

Friday 20 November 2015


a house - another house - inside a house - furniture -a pool - a fence - a cabinet



Video Tutorials: Getting Started

1 - Basic House - Save the basic you create at the end of the tutorial.

·         Add windows on every side of the house.
  • Paint the house and colour the windows transparent

·         Add a door and steps at the back of the house as well as the front.

·          ***Put your Blog Address somewhere on the house***

·         capture at least 2 pictures from 2 different angles to show all 4 sides of the house - add blog address to each

Post title: Part 1 - Basic House

2 – Detailed house

·         Add windows on every outside wall of the house.

·         Add another offset door at the back of the house.

·         Paint the house walls (dark colour) and the trim (lighter colour)

***Put your Blog Address somewhere on the house***

·         capture enough images to show all 6 sides and 6 windows of the house - add blog address to each

Post Title: Part 2 – Detailed House

3-Interior of House

In addition to 2 chairs and wood grain floor:

·         add a floor lamp

·         a rug

·         a chandelier (hang from ceiling)

·         a painting on wall behind chairs

·         place a flower vase on a marble surface in each of the nooks on either side of the wall with the painting.

·         Wall paper the walls with different textures

·         capture images to show all the items required in the interior - add blog address to each



Post Title: Part 3 –Interior of House

Part 4
4- a table

·         Place drawers on both sides

·         Paint on a stone surface and add your URL

·         Place a toy on the table surface

Post Title: Part 4 –A table
Part 5

5 – a swimming pool

Google SketchUp - Designing Swimming Pool

***Put your Blog Address somewhere at the bottom of the pool***



Post Title: Swimming Pool


Part 6
6 -  Build a fence around your house and pool

Add grass within the fenced area



 Post Title: Fencing
 Part 7

7- Entertainment Cabinet:

7 How To Create A Cabinet in Google SketchUp


 Post Title: Cabinet

8- Car
how to make simple car in Google Sketchup tutorial 2

This tutorial is advanced.

Post Title: Car
Alternative  (not as difficult - needs features: inside seats etc.)
How to Make a Good Airplane Model Using Google Sketchup
Post title: Airplane

Create this Scene !
Maunsell Sea Fort


Post Title: Maunsell

Saturday 14 November 2015


Day 5 - Wrap-Up

You played the game. You have tried different strategies. You've won - you've lost.

Play once more.

Try something different.  Try something Bold - aggressive - strategic or perturbedly cardinal.
This is your final posting
Take some unique screen shots and explain how they affected the game.
Finally, your readers want your OPINION and they want the reasons for these opinions.
They do not want a knee jerk (unthinking) response.
They would like to know why you feel the way you do.

Day 4 - Plan

BEFORE you begin
write your plan for today. 
Reminisce about the issues you
 had to face last time
 then PREPLAN today's activity. 


then ...Blog today's gameplay
always for your readers

Day 3 -Review(1)
Start your own colony.

  • Make notes of the items you choose, the order you place them along with size and quantity.
  • Play  - but make notes of choices especially when you choose to be aggressive versus conservative.
  • for example - when choosing plants to grow - What is the reason for choosing 1 type over another?
  • Other than just survival - what is your goal
  1. milestones?
  2. a telescope? (in order to build a meteor destroying laser)
Now begin to write your opinion of the game and gameplay. Write about your choices and their consequences. Offer ideas to your readers and make predictions should you choose differently. Use screenshots.

Day 2 - Preview

Load the game and do the tutorial.

  • Explain how to set up a colony.
  • What should you do first and what choices do you have. Add screen shots.
Remember the walk-thru?
  • How was this tutorial different from the walk-thru?
  • What would you do differently?
  • What went wrong?
  • Offer tips and tricks.
  • Show how the help works and what's in each of the menus.
Talk to your readers and guide them through the startup process.


Day 1 - first impression
PlanetBase - What is this game?

  • go find out and write a report revealing report about it. Title: My first impression of Planet Base
  • Go to their website (see link below) for ideas and images.
  • go to YouTube for ideas and images
  • include in you post links to references.
  • screenshots are mandatory
  • describe each screenshot
  • add blog address to screenshot

Watch the Trailer:
Write about the game.  Incorporate these questions in your answers and add screen shots.
What is this game about?
What do you do in the game?
What is the goal of the game?

Watch the Walk-thru video:
Write about what happens in the video.
Explain what the specific goals are in the game and how to use them.
Explain how the controls work and what to pay attention to.

Add screen shots.
information about game:

Space Colony Survival Strategy!

Watch the video before you start the tutorial – or you may kill your colonists

PlanetBase is a strategy game where you guide a group of space settlers trying to establish an outpost on a remote planet.
In the game you play the role of the base architect and manager, telling your colonists where to build the structures they will need to survive. You will have to ensure that they have a constant supply of oxygen, food and water to stay alive.
You will get them to collect energy, extract water, mine metal, grow food, manufacture bots, and build a fully self-sufficient base.
 Even if the game is not intended to be a simulator, all the mechanics are plausible, and based on what the expected challenges of establishing a colony in an new planet would be.

A little long but gives good ideas and a lot of poor choices:

People die of starvation!

Let's Try: Planetbase - Part 1 [Space Colony Survival Strategy!]

Let's Try: Planetbase - Part 2 [Space Colony Survival Strategy!]

Information about Game Journalism:
Your Job.

FROM THE INTERNET:  The writer responds to personal experiences presented to them by the game world. The story is not necessarily indicative of the experience any other player will have with the game.

You have been given this new game and told to write a series of posts about it.

The DAY 1 post with the 'reveal'. You write a first impression firstly based on the trailer then another on the walk-thru video. A screenshot is necessary.
The DAY 2 post will be the 'preview'. You will play through the tutorial and write about your experience. Take screenshots to supplement your writing. Afterwards you will also write about the features of the game based on the website.

The DAY 3 post and each day afterwards constitute the 'review'.  You play the game. Here you describe how you played the game and how to play the game with screenshots. You give insight in the form of tips and tricks you have discovered. These, in particular, should be accompanied by screenshots.

The more comprehensive the blog post the better the mark.