Thursday 14 January 2016

Creative Photoshop Final Exam

Place yourself into images of exotic locations.

This is an independent and self directed assignment.

You're expected to work on your own.

Accomplish what you can
based on what you have learned in the course.

Pose for each scenario then take a picture of yourself for the following situations. 

Use a PLAIN background.



Pose -example:  hunter stance, running away
WHAT TO DO: Place yourself in the photo of the Serengeti. No changes to your  photo necessary.

Machu Picchu

Pose -example: sitting
WHAT TO DO: Place a 3D version of yourself at Machu Picchu.
Make it animate.

Greenland Glacier

Pose -example: ice climbing
WHAT TO DO: Place yourself on the ice. Dress yourself appropriately for the climate.

Bora Bora

Pose -example: Swimming, diving
WHAT TO DO: Dress yourself in scuba gear then swim across the scene.


Pose -example: waving at summit, mounting flag, side view hiking
WHAT TO DO: Dress yourself as a Sherpa guide - make 3D and climb up the mountain. Overlay your face into the mountain peak.
Your marks are based on how well you blend these items into the image.

Monday 4 January 2016

3D Photoshop

3D Gif
#1- Do the tutorial - add your blog address - gradient background
SKIP Step 9 and do not do Step 12
TITLE: envato
with Step 9
without Step 9 (this is a smoother 360)

#2 – following the tutorial -recreate the same style animation using a company logo:
Do the current school logo plus 1 other.
Title: School Logo

Pick one - or get your own - remove the background - get to work. Extrude logo and text separately.
Spin logo and the text separately. Add an ice desert scene background.

Title: company Logo

#3- create your first name at:

Title: My name
1.       Remove background and inside letters too (magic wand tool)
2.       Rasterize the layer if it is a smart object.
3.       Spread letters apart (lasso tool, move tool)
4.       Just save as a gif - option 1
Separate the letters first
Rotate (minimum 4 ) the letters:  Clockwise – counter clockwise – flip up- flip down - combos
Things to think about:
Keep a copy of the original image for each separate letter.
Duplicate name – mask a letter –then right click on the mask ‘Apply layer mask’
Repeat for each of the 4 letters.
If you get an ERROR message stating the layer is too complex
CTRL the object – shrink it a very tiny amount – then extrude it again or – delete the layer and rebuild it.
This is a known Photoshop bug.

After centering the letter – make sure to re-space it – if it appears too close to the next letter.
This time play with shadows – and rotating in the X, Y and Z plane and combinations of…
Add a cool background or gradient.
Do not forget to reset the end of the work area – STEP 10
Add your blog address
Also resize to at least 50% when saving as an animated GIF
#4- Create a twisted animation : have the thing spin -and slide at different times- not at the same time. These objects must also move across the screen - not just flip. You can also resize - so do it!
 Title: Twisted

This year:
 4 items:
  • Predict your grade - again - 2 numbers with a percent sign.
  • Donald Trump
  •  bb8
  • Swagway 
- all items should be cut out into their exact shapes. Add your blog address.

#5- Create a NEW school logo and slogan
 - creative background
- the logo gets larger from a distance to the front center
- slogan scrolls across

- explain how it came to be.

Title: New Mascot
Ideas about Aldergrove
The future of Aldergrove: