Monday 4 January 2016

3D Photoshop

3D Gif
#1- Do the tutorial - add your blog address - gradient background
SKIP Step 9 and do not do Step 12
TITLE: envato
with Step 9
without Step 9 (this is a smoother 360)

#2 – following the tutorial -recreate the same style animation using a company logo:
Do the current school logo plus 1 other.
Title: School Logo

Pick one - or get your own - remove the background - get to work. Extrude logo and text separately.
Spin logo and the text separately. Add an ice desert scene background.

Title: company Logo

#3- create your first name at:

Title: My name
1.       Remove background and inside letters too (magic wand tool)
2.       Rasterize the layer if it is a smart object.
3.       Spread letters apart (lasso tool, move tool)
4.       Just save as a gif - option 1
Separate the letters first
Rotate (minimum 4 ) the letters:  Clockwise – counter clockwise – flip up- flip down - combos
Things to think about:
Keep a copy of the original image for each separate letter.
Duplicate name – mask a letter –then right click on the mask ‘Apply layer mask’
Repeat for each of the 4 letters.
If you get an ERROR message stating the layer is too complex
CTRL the object – shrink it a very tiny amount – then extrude it again or – delete the layer and rebuild it.
This is a known Photoshop bug.

After centering the letter – make sure to re-space it – if it appears too close to the next letter.
This time play with shadows – and rotating in the X, Y and Z plane and combinations of…
Add a cool background or gradient.
Do not forget to reset the end of the work area – STEP 10
Add your blog address
Also resize to at least 50% when saving as an animated GIF
#4- Create a twisted animation : have the thing spin -and slide at different times- not at the same time. These objects must also move across the screen - not just flip. You can also resize - so do it!
 Title: Twisted

This year:
 4 items:
  • Predict your grade - again - 2 numbers with a percent sign.
  • Donald Trump
  •  bb8
  • Swagway 
- all items should be cut out into their exact shapes. Add your blog address.

#5- Create a NEW school logo and slogan
 - creative background
- the logo gets larger from a distance to the front center
- slogan scrolls across

- explain how it came to be.

Title: New Mascot
Ideas about Aldergrove
The future of Aldergrove:

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