Tuesday 8 September 2015

Begin Here

Welcome Back!

1. You need an email address - GMail is preferred

2. a) Get a dropbox account  LINK TO GET DROPBOX
2. b) OneDrive also works well LINK TO GET ONEDRIVE

3. Create a Blogger site: LINK TO GET BLOG SITE

4. EMAIL your Teacher

If you are in Mr. Omorean's class        gomorean@sd35.bc.ca
If you are in Mr. Bilesky's class           dbilesky@sd35.bc.ca

The subject line: lastname, firstname BLOCK:      GRADE:
The body:

The email address you used to create your blog site
The URL of the blogsite:



Once your site is working:
find LAYOUT and add an image gadget, edit the header and create a link list

Image Gadget: your face: http://avachara.com/avatar/
Header: http://ruletheweb.co.uk/b3ta/bus/
add your name and the name of your blog
Link List: 

your first POST:

find numbers to create a predicted percent grade and letter grade:
All animated gifs 
If you choose: A -  89%  then get an 8, a 9, a percent sign and the Letter

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