Sunday 27 September 2015

Flash - Rotoscoping

-POST 1- Title: The City

First Learn Flash. Flash CS4 tutorial covers creating graphics, working with layers, and adding motion, sound, and text to your Flash CS4 movie.
POST your flash movie – Instead of adding Text: Ghost Town or My First Movie put in your Blog address.

Post the flash movie

Upload the SWF file to Dropbox
Copy the share link
Go to the HTML section of your post
copy the following code then replace the SCR="" with your link

replace the "www" in your link with "dl"
also remove the s from https://
also delete everything after the .swf                                 ---(Props to Rhea)

<embed src="" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" align="middle" height="300" width="300"></embed>

Use this procedure for all the following rotoscoped images and movies.
-POST 2-

Cartoonize your Car project then Animal and finally tree.

Place your Car on layer 1. adjust the DOCUMENT size to match the image size.
Use other layers to Rotoscope your car.
This example begins like a still image

Crazy Rotoscoping

POST your a) car, b)animal and c)tree as an animated gif.
Title: Roto Car
Title: Roto Animal
Title: Roto Tree

-POST 3-
Get several  5 second videos. 

observe the following videos:

importing a video into flash
File: Import: Import video
Browse to: Hand-out\IT\IT9\RotoScope
select: Embed FLV in SWF and play in timeline
choose: Next
Uncheck: Include Video

1. New layer: BG:draw back ground
2. New layer: ITEM: draw moving item in frame above where it occurs in the movie.


Create a 3 different 5 second rotoscoping videos. POST

Title: Roto Video 1
Title: Roto Video 2
Title: Roto Video 3

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