Thursday 22 October 2015

Car Builder - a 4 day project

Car Builder (1982 Simulation Game)

In order to run Car Builder 

you will require: DOSBox for Google chrome

Search for it and load it


Launch the Chrome app

Click the ?in the bottom right corner.

Choose to: Delete C:\ drive contents

Choose to: Import local directory to C:\ drive

Find Acs-Hand-Out CarBuild

Close down then Restart APP

Type: cd carbuild

Type: car
Grading Rules:
All cars must have a body.
Point System     C-B-A    (BONUS: A+ on the fastest cars - if you are the only person)
NOTE C- B- A-    if you omit your blog URL
Your points may change with the latest results. Be prepared to adjust your car.


FOUR DAY project
  • Build your car
  • Test your car
  • Add your name as a DECAL
  • Screenshot, resize then add URL
  • POST

DAY 1:
100 mph car (2/4/6 seats)
Post: 3 cars
DAY 2:
Slowest car
  2 seats 53mph
4 seats 45mph
6 seats 45mph
Post: 3 cars
A: 100 mph car 2/4/6 seats
B:   +- 1 mph
C:   +- 2 mph
-All cars must have a body-
A: slowest car  2/4/6 seats
B:   +- 1 of slowest car
C:   +- 2 of slowest car
DAY 3:
Fastest Minivan ( 6 seats) 160mph
Sedan ( 4 seats ) 177mph
Post: 2 cars
DAY 4:
Fastest Car ( 2 seats)
Post : 1 car
A: fastest 6/4 seats car
B:   - 10 mph of fastest car
C:   + 20 mph of fastest car
A: Fastest 2 seat car
B:  - 10 of fastest car
C:  - 20 of fastest car

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